Monday, October 20, 2008

Concern with Adequate Landscape Screening / Setback

From an architect / planner who lives on Magnolia across from the Hood College athletic fields. Many thanks, Erik.

All Hood neighbors should be concerned about an error in the City's Land Management Plan that would permit the college to place a high density residential, industrial (steam plant), or athletic facility anywhere along the campus perimeter adjacent to the neighborhood without adequate screening or setback. Article 605.d & .e and Table 605.3 of the LMC currently only requires Level I screening between R6 and IST zones. This is effectively just one white pine tree every twenty feet at the property line, with no fence or setback. The back of the hospital property along Park Avenue is an example of how bad this could look.

A text amendment should be effected that includes the IST use with the M1, M2 & MXE uses in this table and thus requires Level III or even IV screening (heavy and wide landscape buffer, 6' masonry wall) between residential neighborhoods and float ing institutional zones. Any Alderman can sponsor this amendment, and it shouldn't be too difficult to persuaded our NAC representative to assist us with this simple modification. Hood's acceptance of this change would be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their oft-state intention to be a good neighbor. It would require no significant current or future capital cost from them but offer an enormous reassurance to us that the residential character of our area remains intact.
Erik was able to supply us with a copy of the relevant City of Frederick Land Management Code section, which I've uploaded for all to view.

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