Friday, October 3, 2008

A Third Letter to the Chief, and yet another Response

Another letter to the Police Chief:

Let me express our gratitude for taking the leadership role in watching over the needs of our neighborhood.
You are so right - this is Deja Vu all over again. Hood has always gotten just what they want through use of an aggressive attorney.
Coming onto Rosemont from N. College Parkway has become dangerous because visibility to the right is non- existant. The added exit from Hood onto Rosemont hasn't helped.
Students parking in front of my house and along our street-on both sides creates a hazard as the street-like Magnolia is so narrow that traffic coming both ways is " hary ". Perhaps many streets should be one way.
It is frustrating to come home and find that there is no place to park.
Perhaps signs limiting parking to two hours might help.
Hood made an effort several years ago to get students to park in the lot near their chapel but students were not so inclined.
In any case, deep appreciation for your close involvement. Glad to see you are bringing the police into the problem.

Bob Tansey
Friendly Neighbor

And here's the police chief's response:
Dear Bob:

Thanks for your email. Captain Grubb and I just discussed this morning the meeting that was held last year on this issue. Since then, as you probably know, the City Traffic Engineer left and I am thinking some of what he indicated he (the City) could perhaps work on perhaps did not occur in the transition. We are going to try and rekindle this discussion with Devon Hahn, the current traffic engineer, who does a wonderful job. I am not aware of how much she has been brought into the loop on these issues.

Thanks, as always, for taking the time to email us and work with us!

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