Monday, January 12, 2009

Hood College responds to neighbor's concerns about proposed locker facilities

Tim and Tracey, Hood College neighbors, received a response from Hood College to a letter they recently sent to Hood College regarding the proposed locker facilities and lighting:

Tim and Tracey,

Thanks for your letter of January 6, 2009.  We take the concerns of our neighbors seriously and attempt to mitigate intrusion upon the neighborhood whenever reasonably practicable. 

Let me address the two issues you raised:

As to the location of the proposed locker facilities - we are currently redesigning this area in response to a request raised at the Planning Commission Hearing to retain the trees that border the NW entrance gate and the roadway immediately inside the campus.  The redesign maintains the majority of the existing stand of trees.  Further, it reduces the visual profile of the west end of the locker facilities as seen from Magnolia Avenue.

Our design team is working on the proposed exterior profile, finishes and landscaping to incorporate this structure into the campus environment.  We'll be glad to share this with you when the designs are further developed.  I'd also like to point out that this corner of the campus poses several challenging design considerations.  The available area for placement of this structure is limited due to the location of the enlarged athletic field, a water line easement owned by the City, a setback requirement along Magnolia Avenue, an existing roadway oriented east to west that borders the existing site, existing mechanical equipment and as I previously mentioned the desire to blend this structure with the campus.  Given all these constraints, I believe that the proposed design is a good solution for the campus and for the neighbors.

Regarding lighting on the temporary parking lot – I am surprised to hear that you have not seen any changes to the lighting on the temporary lot. When I met you at your home, we noted that there were four fixtures that were generally oriented in such a way as to be seen from your backyard.  We reoriented two of these fixtures 180 degrees to face away from your property.  A third fixture on the fence separating the two lots was completely removed.  The last fixture near the center of the south fence cannot be relocated for safety reasons and is the sole remaining fixture that faces your property.

After receiving your email I walked the site again early this morning while still dark.  I noticed two things.  First, there is an existing lamp pole that provides security lighting around the Hodson Science Center which can be seen from your property.  I would estimate that it is at least 200 feet from your home.  This pole was installed as part of the Hodson Science Center Construction several years ago.  We’ll look at what may be done in this area as part of the new parking lot construction, but no changes can be made for this lamp pole at this time.  Second, I noticed a small amount of glare from the edge of two fixtures that sit at an oblique angle away from your property.  I think it may be possible to “shield” these two fixtures without compromising campus safety.

I will be glad to meet with you to show you the changes we made to the temporary parking lot lighting.  Again thanks for sharing your concerns with us.


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